Literacy has been the mainstream focus of education for many years, the emphasis of learning to write and read resulted in a mono-literacy paradigmatic view of education achievement for communication.
In this sense, literacy was tailored and subjected to an specific environment, a learning being dominated by the geographical restraints and language barriers.
Nevertheless, the constant evolving of technology have brought new forms and diverse forms of literacy that goes beyond the grammatical and lexical knowledge for a communicative competence, the multicultural and open world due to the ubiquity of technology carries the need of understanding at different levels and modes of communication.
Multiliteracy in this sense is a broader perspective which overcomes the limitations of traditional approaches by emphasizing how negotiating the multiple linguistic and cultural differences in our society is central to the pragmatics of the working, civic, and private lives of students (NLG, 1996), concept developed 25 years ago is still not totally understood, however, the characteristics of the current times have enhanced the availability and accessibility to new means of literacy and many new ways to transmit information, an open knowledge source is ready to use for different purposes at different levels but is needed a better understanding of multiliteracies and its effect on the daily life of learners and its surroundings.
In this sense, at we conduct research related to the multiliteracies and multimodalities in education, new forms of teaching and the use of technology to increase the learning achievement, not only at formal education but to any informal ways of learning and to any age. We encourage the constant learning for a sustainable development within an ecosystemic approach.
If you would like to participate in collaboration with for a tailored research or implementation of new methods, do not hesitate to contact us, we encourage innovation within our collaborators in our lab.